This is the conservative method for such situations and helped me avoid such an operation, which is quite risky.
I fractured my hip, so one leg could have been longer than the other. They used traction to pull it into the proper position. This involved hammering a long stainless steel post through my thigh, near the knee, and attaching a 6kg weight to it for 6 weeks. I wasn't allowed to sit up or able to roll over. It was pulling on my flesh, so the orthopedic surgeon made an incision and enlarged the hole so that it wouldn't. It didn't hurt too badly for the most part, until it got infected. Then he had to squeeze out the pus without any sort of anaesthetic and that was quite painful. After the 6 weeks were up, they gave me an X-ray and decided that it was mostly aligned, so they took it out. They used a pair of rusty old pliers at first, which didn't work, so they tried to hammer it back out. I'm glad I got a tetanus shot. Of course, they hammered it halfway, but couldn't get it to come out of my leg no matter how hard they tried. They searched all through the hospital to try to find a better pair, which they did. All during this procedure, I was laughing like a maniac, cracking inappropriate jokes and couldn't seem to control myself. My dad wouldn't let me keep the pin as a souvenir.
That was my actual leg. I couldn't reach to pull off the gauzes, or else I would have for you, dear readers. Just as well, serves as censorship for the bloody wounds and stitches.
Do you see the HDTV in the background? It didn't do me any good anyways, China's cable television sucks, because it's government-controlled and heavily restricted. My thigh isn't actually that wide, for your information, it was just my angle. Please believe me.
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