By the time I went with my Aunt Tiffany, which I suppose has become my informal Godmother, all the winter apparel and accessories had been sold or packed away. The thick, heavy winter coats and sweaters on the mannequins had morphed into bright whimsical short skirts and light, carefree tops. This time we were on the lookout for a pair of short boots. I already have a whole variety of other kinds of boots, but I was really missing the long black suede ones that had broken beyond repair last year.
I think I'm a fairly efficient shopper, as I would stand outside the store, look through the window and decide whether it was even worth going in. My aunt didn't know what I was waiting for so she was encouraging me to just go in and have a look around. I wouldn't have found these if I hadn't:
I also bought a few other articles of clothing, which is a very typical and mandatory for me. I ended up owing my aunt fifty dollars, so when she gave me a ride yesterday to get my blood work and x-rays done, I tried to give her two bills, but she wouldn't take both of them. On a side note, I could have walked and taken advantage of the occasion for exercise, but my mom was worried I might have another panic attack and/or faint under the unforgiving heat of the sun overhead. She's very kind to me and I went with her to the supermarket, since that was where she was headed next, so she wouldn't have to make a detour.
Back to the topic at hand, I really hadn't liked the chain when I bought it and was planning to take it off and put on my own, but the more I looked at it when I got home, it didn't bother me much anymore. Pumps aren't entirely convenient or safe, because I always have a feeling that I'd have a higher chance of falling or spraining my ankle with them. Besides, I've never owned a pair of boots remotely like the ones I wanted, but eventually managed to find after several leisurely hours. I'm pretty sure they're made of pleather, but the chain turned out to be rather fragile. One of the faux diamonds fell out not long after and I spent some time trying to match a new one of a similar size to replace it. Neither task was easy.
However, I'm fairly sure that I wasn't working on them on Thursday night, the night after that stressful day of appointments. I wasn't wearing them on Wednesday either, because I spent the day at the hospital and wore my trusty PUMAs, but it's entirely possible that I was trying to fix them when I got home. I hadn't touched them yesterday morning either before I went out with Aunt Tiffany, wearing the same running shoes as I usually do.
Why all this seemingly irrelevant information? The reason behind my motivation to make this post does not concern the boots at all.
I was pretty devastated when I realized that my iPod had vanished, just as many other things have been recently. I've managed to lose the card I had bought and specifically put in my stationary drawer and an entire bottle of Lamictal (lamotrigine) 150mg. I'm losing my possessions faster than my weight and it's no fun anymore. I haven't found either and I was beginning to think that my iPod would turn out the same way. I tried to trace back to all the possible places I could have lost it if it had fallen out of my white Chloé bag that I use when the weather clears up and my clothes are more vibrant. The Emily the Strange bag is part of a different style altogether. I'll take a picture of it some other time, so it might better explain how it's more likely for my iPod to have abandoned it, aside from the vast difference in colouring scheme.
I called my Aunt Tiffany first, because I couldn't quite remember if I had it with me that morning, but I was fairly sure that I didn't. She's very observant, so she was quite certain that I hadn't had it with me or she'd have seen it, but she searched for me anyways and it wasn't on her car. Then I called my uncle who drove me from appointment to appointment on Thursday, because it was entirely possible for me to have left it on his car. I know I had it during the last appointment, which was with my cousin, because I was listening to it to pass the time in the waiting room. However, I was sitting beside the aunt who had come with us for her appointment before mine, so if I were to have dropped it while making my way into the operating room, she would have seen it. It didn't turn up with them either. I was reluctant, so I made my dad call my cousin, who didn't find it after working on my teeth nor did the receptionists mention finding it anywhere else, but he said he'd ask them today. By the time he had finished, I was the last patient to leave, just as they were packing up for the night. He said the lab wouldn't be open until Monday, so I could check with them then. I knew I couldn't have left it there, but it was always a possibility.
Between all these phone calls and waiting for the search results, my parents were already repeatedly reassuring me that it wasn't a big deal and they would buy me a new one. I was really quite attached to it, had spent a lot of time organizing and uploading my music onto it (some of which I accidentally deleted promptly afterwards, thinking I had it backed up), and I was really unwilling to have to spend all the time, effort and money on it all over again. While the anxiety and feelings of hopelessness were building, I didn't actually feel as if I would break down sobbing uncontrollably, let alone crying at all. That's a first. We really must have finally found the right cocktail, but I was telling my GP this morning that I was feeling flat. I think it's just not remembering how it feels to be stable. It's very bland and boring. She thought I was finally getting to be in a relatively normal state, so there wasn't anything I should be doing just yet, because she has only observed this behaviour during just a few of the most recent appointments.
I called the dental office to ask the receptionists for myself today, because my cousin is forgetful, but they hadn't found one either. I checked my uncle's car on the ride to the GP's and it was nowhere to be found. I was trying to console myself by thinking that I wouldn't get it right away, as I'm usually at home and I have other inferior MP3 players to use while I waited for the price to drop, but I was still feeling down about it, but only every now and then when something triggered it in my mind today, just as if I had already given up and accepted its/my/our fate.
My boots sit outside my room on a shelf. I've been walking past it all day and I even stop to look at them briefly. I have no idea how it managed to get there even by tracing through my recollection of the past few days. I vaguely remembered putting it in one of the boots, but not why or when. I always take them upstairs with me so they don't get mixed up and ruined with all the other shoes on the doormats and racks, so maybe I had my hands full and put them in while carrying them. As I explained above, I haven't worn those shoes in a few days, so I really don't know how it got there when I've had it all along after the last time I even touched or had anything to do with them. As I was about to shower and get to sleep earlier tonight, as I went to sleep at 2 AM and I've been up since 7 AM, I just stopped and figured I'd put my hand in the left boot for some strange reason. In the distant past, missing objects would always turn up unexpectedly when I had stopped looking for it. I'm ecstatically surprised that it turned up at all.
That is so fantastic - thinking something is lost or stolen, and then finding it in an unexpected place! Cherish your iPod, music is so important to quality of life IMHO.
By the way, the boots look kind of kinky ;) It's the heels that do it. I can imagine you wearing them (in a nice way, of course!) and I bet you look fabulous :)
Aww, thank you! I own apparel for almost every occasion, because I really do shop a lot. I enjoy everything about the activity and I choose quantity at bargain prices over high prices that doesn't always mean that the item is necessarily of exceptional quality, IMHO. I don't like paying for a brand name, with the exception of PUMA, of course. The garments aren't really a good investment, but the shoes are very durable, comfortable, aesthetically appealing and practical :]
Everything else goes out of fashion or size pretty quickly, so it's highly probable that it would end up hanging at the back of my (small) closet forever or sitting in a box without the remote possibility of ever wearing them. I used to donate my clothing, but I've gotten to the point where I'm too attached to everything and indecisive. There's a chance that it could come back into fashio or that I'd change my mind about it eventually after pushing it around it so often or just from looking at it after a while. Reconstruction is always a possibility, but I often regret it - especially if it's not a successful one or that I suspect that it would have been useful...
The boots suit the pleather pants I had made, because they're just a touch too short. Wearing full length boots underneath would be overkill :O
When something finally turns up, especially after abandoning a long search, it's like getting a brand new one for free. In this case, it was better than a brand new one because it was mine :]
I'm not sure how to take preventative precautions against losing it for good, but I'm thinking on it. Carrying it with a lanyard around my neck is difficult because it doesn't come with a place for attachment, plus it would swing around, get scratched up and in my way. I can wrap the drawstrings of the little bag I use around my wrist and hold it in my hand, but that's not always convenient. Everything I make are unreliable and armbands of any sort feel insecure. I don't always have pockets or ones where it would fit comfortably if I did. Like Batman, I have a utility belt XD but the pockets are too small...and of course I wouldn't trust something like that even with belt attachments made specifically for iPod. Besides, belts don't always match... I've been keeping it in my bag with the cord coming out of an unzipped compartment, because I can't think of anything else safer or convenient. Hence, the complicated dilemma I've been trying to resolve even before I bought it *sigh*
My first MP3 player came with earbuds that were part of the lanyard and they were the only ones that fit, so when they broke, I couldn't use it anymore aside from its function as portable USB storage, in which case, it's too bulky. I didn't have any respect for the one I got next. I don't know why I'd toss it around, drop it often, leave it around and it in loose jacket pockets that I might have left unattended, but I never managed to lose it and it took a long time for it to break. I don't know if I was subconsciously trying to break it, but when it did, the earphone jack gave out on me after all the tugging and wrapping the cord around it tightly. Even then I could still listen to it after tweaking the earphone plug around. What do people do with the cord when they're storing it away?
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