When I was in Shanghai I spent a lot of time at the textiles market. There, you could pick the design you wanted for any article of clothing or bring in a photo of what you would like made and they would take your measurements and have it ready for you in a few days.
In this post, I'll be writing about my pleather jacket (I'm vegan). I had them make pleather pants, not to wear together at once with the jacket (!!), but only because I couldn't find any here. The pants were a little bit disappointing, because it started out a little bit too big, so I had it altered, but it was also a just a bit too short and there could be nothing done about that. I think it should be fine if I were to wear high heels with them though. I was a little bit disappointed, because the other side of the fabric was warm and felt like suede, but they ended up adding a lining to it, which is somewhat uncomfortable. I can't think of an occasion where I would actually wear it though; maybe to go with a different, long jacket.
I've digressed, so back to the topic of this post. I hadn't liked it before, because it was a bit 'squeaky' when I moved and it was a bit too shiny. I had hoped that the zipper would be on a slant, but it wasn't - it's very straight down the middle. Nevertheless, my fondness for it is growing each time I put it on.
They've paid a lot of attention to details and added a lot of buckles for no practical purpose, aside from further embellishing the jacket. In fact, none of the buttons or zippers are actually functional, nor does it have any pockets. It's actually perfect for me, because I wouldn't use them and if they did have pocket linings they would make the jacket 'lumpy' or bulge a little bit.
This is the side of the jacket if I were to lay it flat to show the straps on the sides, which aren't entire visible from the previous photographs.
In addition, there happens to be a belt and buckle around the collar that serves absolutely no purpose and falls out from time to time. I try to keep both ends even on each side, so I don't lose it somewhere when I'm not paying attention or if I'm in a hurry. While we were shopping, I saw an Emily the Strange cell phone accessory and it was just my luck that it happened to come with a tiny Virgo pendent on it, so I just had to buy it, but it was rather expensive. My 'aunt' Tiffany saw me contemplating whether or not to buy it (I believe it was $6.99), but she beat me to it and just bought it for me:]
Once I got home, I really didn't know what to do with it since I don't have a cell phone and I wouldn't want to attach it to my iPod case, because it would probably scratch it up and make it even more bulky. Then it dawned on me. I should attach it to the jacket, right on that troublesome buckle so that it would hopefully make it longer and less likely for it to fall out of the loops. If it still does, I'd be rather upset that I lost the accessory, so I'll pay extra care to make sure that
This is a bad picture, but I thought I'd post it anyways just to show you what it would look like on a mannequin. The camera was on a timer and balanced on top of a rotating chair and I was trying to keep a straight face and get into position, so please excuse the lack of an artistic pose.

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