I am currently watching The Tudors, for the sole reason that Jonathan Rhys-Meyers stars in it. My hearing is very poor, so it is difficult for me to follow it sometimes, but I think I manage alright.
In honour of the show, I am wearing my elaborate red shirt today. Again, I happened to bump into my Algebra instructor who commented on my absence yesterday (I slept in because I wasn't feeling well), as well as the high collar that he expects would be uncomfortable. Actually, this one actually feels better than the previous shirt I had on last time.
I got the shirt at Pacific Mall, I can't remember for how much exactly, but I really doubt it was expensive. I got on the wrong bus on the way back from Grand River Hospital last week and ended up at Conestoga Mall, so I called up Gregory to keep me company and help me find my way back. We wandered around and I got the pin at Le Château for $4.99. I've been searching for a cameo pin, but I really like this one, even though it's not quite what I had in mind. Good price, too. I have a whole collection of metal rose earrings, necklaces and rings, and I thought the red rose dangling earrings and the ring would go well with my outfit today. I got the pants for $10 with 10% off, so it was about $9. :]
I'm a bit annoyed today because I think I've lost my Computer Science course notes. I brought them with me to the exam yesterday and I think I forgot to bring them back with me. I hope it turns up soon.
Quite the stylish woman, indeed!
If I was at Uni, I would be the complete opposite, I'm afraid, total casual sloppy dressing.
You're looking good, K, hope that you are enjoying life a bit more now, and it's great to see you confidently taking pics of yourself to put on your blog. I just don't have the courage to do the same ;)
Always great to hear from you! I hope you receive the snail mail I sent you soon! Any plans for your special day?? How have you been?
Thanks for all the compliments :]
I must admit, I make these posts, then I take them down and then I wonder if you've seen them yet, so I put them back up, lol.
I'm in Accounting right now, so I'll write more later!
Take care and all the best!
I'm just about to leave for the East Coast to lie on a beach for a few days and toast myself in the sun - that's my birthday getaway present.
No snail mail yet - I'll check when I get back.
I *always* read your posts - sometimes too lazy or rushed to comment, but you may rest assured that I always read them. :)
Take good care, catch up with you when I get back.
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