I took these pictures in the full length mirror in the washroom here at residence this morning before I put on makeup because I forgot. I started editing them during Accounting, then I got to Economics and tried to upload them, but blogger was having some kind of problem, and I had to wait until after Algebra and Calculus to get back to writing this post. I have an Algebra midterm tonight at 7-8:15PM and I really should be studying but I'm taking time out right now because I just got out of class.
I got the top half of my outfit during the shopping expedition my brother and I went during Thanksgiving weekend and we had a blast. The white shirt was $30, the white blazer was $40-45 or something like that and the vest was just $20 less 10% with my SPC card, so about $18. I made a post on the skirt last time and it was purchased as part of a combo, so I can't really say how much it was. I've been waiting for an opportunity to wear my fishnets. I 'm a bit annoyed that the zipper on my boots got caught on the other leg while I was walking and so there's a hole, but I'm not too upset because I don't think it cost me very much at all. They'll be on sale again this year after Halloween. XD
I would have worn different boots, but I had four classes today and involved a fair bit of rushing around, so these were my safest bet. No PUMA shoes for this occasion. I need to buy proper semi-formal dress shoes. Without really high heels. Not PUMA. Not running shoes. Not long boots, because I already have several pairs. Short ones would be okay.
In general, people here at UW dress rather poorly, in my humble opinion. They can't be bothered to switch out of their pajamas before getting to class. That is, if they bother going at all. It shouldn't be that difficult! Even if they don't go to class, a lot of these people don't even have the decency to dress properly when wandering around in public, across campus.
My Algebra teacher asked me if my shirt was uncomfortable because the collar seemed really high. I don't know, I don't mind it too much. I think it might have been in comparison to what everyone else was wearing, or rather, the baggy clothes he was wearing.
The following is an excerpt from the conversation I had with Gregory during Economics class today. I hate that class...
Gregory: "[UW is] dork central. There are more guys who at least try than girls. Any Asian girl who can't get an Asian boyfriend easily without trying can get a dork white guy, so nobody tries. And for dorks, fashion is only about getting in a relationship. Then the track pants come out."
That's a very accurate description of how things are around here.
I dress badly. Jeans & jumper most of the time, no makeup, scruffy hair, boring shoes. My excuse is lack of energy though.
You look fantastic in these pics. I dont think your face looks round so I guess it must be the high collar that makes it look so to you.
Hehe, thank you! I'm not sure that school is supposed to be my personal fashion show, but it's really the only opportunity for me to wear the clothes I buy so compulsively! I can't stop!
How are you feeling? I hope you're able to get out of that rut.
Lots of love! <3 k
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