This song doesn't necessarily apply to me, but I really am listening to it on loop right now and have been for maybe the past couple of hours. I hadn't known there was a music video, but I think I'll post that instead.
She also has a video for Smile, her first single, which isn't bad. This one is probably the only mellow song on her album and I happen to like this one more. In case you haven't heard of Lily Allen, then it's probably because you don't use Myspace or you missed it by chance, but this is how she made her way to fame:
Because of the above article, it is now necessary for me to post PaxilBack by The Gray Kid. I was really pretty crazy about this video:
I was pretty crazy about this video and his music when it first came out. I hope he makes more videos soon or puts up music free for download like he did before.
Side Note: I just noticed that this is Post #50 and it happens to be May 10th. I thought I'd just share that today.
I hadn't really intended on posting today, but I'm feeling kind of melancholic, which might explain why everything has suddenly seized up and hurting. Where is the thunderstorm that was supposed to happen today? The hip itself doesn't usually ache, it's almost always the joints and parts connected to it. Today, the actual hip is really bothering me and I think I twisted my neck wrong or something. I got some Robax Platinum samples that I requested in the mail, so I think I'll take that now. Being a Thursday, I spoke to my GP and we've decided to discontinue Celebrex, because it may be causing cardiovascular problems in some people, mainly seniors, but I'm sure it will have ill effects after taking it consistently for a long time. It doesn't help anything, so I don't want to take it anymore.
I was going to finish up my latest bear and take pictures of the completed one, but I haven't gotten very much accomplished today. I've been trying to sort things out for credit cards and online payments, but it's not going so well for me. Haven't really felt too down for quite a while.
When I visited Taiwan a few years ago, I dropped by to meet with some relatives. My family can get to be kind of complicated, because my dad has three brothers and three sisters, all of them older than him. His oldest brother is 20 years his elder and his oldest son, who would be my cousin, is roughly one year younger. All of his children are older than me, but I still have the status of 'Aunt'. My dad's oldest sister-in-law is the aunt who taught me to make the peace ball and lotus flowers I posted about before. Her daughter, my cousin, came to visit me when I was in the hospital in Shanghai and brought me a lot of interesting books and Buddhist CDs to listen to. She's very environmentally-conscious and we chatted about sustainable development, organic foods, holistic remedies, and food properties, such as their vitamins, minerals and health benefits. Fascinating, common interests.
My cousin works at Texas Instruments as VP of Human Resources, so she was on a business trip and stopped by to keep me company a couple times. We used the TI-83+ calculators for AP Calculus, but I happened to have already bought the TI-92+ about six years ago for $300:
My calculator got discontinued almost as soon as I got it. Wonderful. At least I didn't have to buy another one, because a friend of mine lent one to me for about two years. Last year, I got a Casio fx-7400G PLUS-GY from my high school for being the top overall math student over the four years:
That's even more incompatible. Tell me, why would they give me one of those, especially a Casio calculator, when we clearly use Texas Instruments calculators? Answer: It's only $40. A TI-83+ currently costs about $130, but I'll bet it was more at that time. I tried selling it, but nobody wants it. It's still unopened, so let me know if you're interested, which I highly doubt.
When I visited Taiwan, her daughter was dating a guy whose family owned a Nike factory in China, but they're now married and had a baby. No, it was not a sweat shop. It was actually more like a small village. They provided accommodations and food by the truckloads. Nike would only let them make basketball shoes and sourced from a number of different factories for their other styles. However, they were also contracted to make baby shoes and they gave me two pairs, which have been sitting in the box and on my desk shelf:

I don't think both pairs are meant to be fit in that small box, but that's how they were given to me. I don't think I'd ever owned a pair of Nike shoes before these ones.

I like the white ones better, because they'd be ones that I'd actually consider buying for myself if they were my size. I really like the wrap-around velcro and the quality is pretty good. I think they have little dots and a Nike logo on the soles for a better grip, but I forgot to take a photo.

These shoes are pretty soft and I would imagine they'd be comfortable for babies to wear in comparison to those stiff patent leather ones. I don't think babies really want to wear shoes at all. These ones are pretty unique, because they're plaid. Have you ever seen a pair of plaid basketball shoes? Exactly.
My dad went back to visit them about a year later while he was on a business trip and he called back to ask for our shoe sizes. I got one black pair and another one that was really quite similar to the first red/white/navy blue ones if you can imagine. I know my brother got a pair of silver-grey basketball shoes, but I can't remember for sure the colours of the other ones. My dad got white and blue shoes. I don't believe my mom got any at all :(
Quite frankly, I don't really like Nike shoes very much. They're very obviously informal, as if I should be in a gym or running track. Basketball shoes bother me even more because they look very chunky, but I still appreciate the gifts. They were very exciting at that age and I think I might still have them somewhere, but I don't think I'll be wearing them anymore.
I also saw mini PUMA shoes on sale at one of the stores for athletic gear at Vaughn Mills. I think it would have been nice to own a couple, but I would have rather saved that money to buy a pair in my size. I now have five pairs. I'm still going to work on extending the life of the ones that I wear frequently, but I think I should stop buying them for a while.
Hi K!
You know the one thing that I hate about blogger is that it doesn't give you the post to which you are responding under this response pane, so it is all to easy to forget the points you wanted to make ;(
Firstly, yes ditch the Celebrex if possible. It's OK as an nsaid, but all nsaid drugs can cause longer term issues. Best just dropped unless they really give relief.
You shouldn't notice any aftereffects from it, so you should be fine :)
Hold onto yr mint in box Ti - it might be worth something sometime ;) even though you might not think so now. Just looking at the interface makes my mind boggle (as in *seriously* - I'm competent in most things, except maths/physics!!)! I had an original HP calculator which did all this stuff, and apparently it's worth bundles nowadays (my father used to work at HP, so it was his work machine) - so you never know. Here's hoping!
All children should run barefoot in the sun! But of course practicality sometimes dictates otherwise. Very interested in what you said about the making of those baby shoes.
You take care of yourself, Katherine, happy 50th post!
i don't like lily allen. :P
and sorry i'm not regular on this blogspot. life is, busy, to say the least.
Hey G! Haven't talked to you in a while :P
Have you tried clicking on "Show Original Post"? It doesn't show the pictures and other add-ons though.
I've gotten rid of the Celebrex, only to have it replaced by Diflunisal that was prescribed by the dental surgeon who removed my wisdom teeth for me on Friday. I'm not taking them very much, especially because I think the instructions are kind of stupid - take one every 12 hours, if required for pain. It might just be me, but I don't know if it bothers anyone else... Every 12 hours? When required? Which one is it?!
If you're curious, the anesthetic I got was Propofol that knocked me out almost immediately after I was hooked up to the IV. They also used gas and a local one, which ended up costing a lot more than what was estimated. I don't know if I'm going to make a post about it, because if I did, it would take me a long time with all the details.
I'm not feeling too badly, considering the loss of four wisdom teeth. My cheeks are just really very puffy, like double their original size and square-jawed. I don't think you'd really want to see a picture, haha. I have a biting suspicion that there might be fragments that weren't taken out, because while they say that the gums are just swollen, I swear that there are sharp and pointy objects protruding from where one tooth used to be. It feels just like when I hadn't had them removed. I know how you feel about teeth, so I think I'll stop now, knowing that the details I'd give would get increasingly bloody and gory :B
That's a good point on the Casio calculator :)
It's useless to me now, except in a case of absolute emergency which I doubt will happen, but it probably would be worth something - many, many years from now. After all, there's no harm in just stashing it away, aside from having it take up space.
As for the TI-92+, I used to carry with me everywhere, even though it uses four AA batteries which makes it very heavy. Games, eBooks, notepads, and a whole variety of applications could be uploaded to it. It graphs 3-D functions and they can be rotated and everything, haha. Fun fun. I don't know what got into me to buy that brick, lol.
I think I'll be away from the computer for a while (again, like I always say), so I'll leave it at 50 posts, because there might not be a lot of posts for a while. I hope you've been doing well and that you're not too busy! Take care and all the best!
jon!: That's all you have to say about Lily Allen? Haha, I actually saw her video for Alfie on MuchMoreMusic right before reading your comment. Don't be sorry though, it's okay because I don't necessarily leave comments all the time, so I wouldn't know if you were reading or not either. I hope everything is going well for you. Have a safe and relaxing summer!
You see how dopey I can be!! Click "show original post" *smacks forehead - and I've been using Blogger for years!
You take care - you know where to reach me, anytime. :)
My friend forced this on me and I thought you'd enjoy it, if even a little.
Just for the heck of it. Cheers!
P.S. That calculator makes me look well, like a n00b =p
(I use the simplest scientific calculator around. Serves it's purpose!)
ash: How'd your results go? It was fun, but there were quite a number of words that applied to me in one row, so I guess it also says I'm indecisive. I also like the ones that give you some kind of picture with a label, like at
I usually use a very popular and standard Casio scientific calculator. Like I said, I haven't touched that calculator in years and I got it when I was 13, haha.
How've you been?
I took the test twice, got sanguine and phlegmatic both times. What about you? I doubt it's really accurate though, we all have split personalities don't we? ;)
heyy!!! remmeber me? lol
anyway i don't like lily allen too. the new song 'alfie' is just not my kind of music. hehe
how are ya?
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