YesterdayMy mom woke up early that morning and said she wanted a McMuffin from McDonald's, so we went to fulfill her craving. My dad went and we got two combos, which came with a hash brown and a small drink. Both breakfast sandwiches contained a slice of cheese and my mom had the Sausage & Egg with milk, while my dad had tea and an Egg McMuffin that actually came with a slice of ham. My mom didn't want her hash brown because it was fried, so my dad had both with ketchup. My mom took a bite and realised that she had actually wanted a McGriddle. This happens every time. Another reason why I don't like eating in restaurants, especially with my parents. My mom finished half of her sandwich and announced she was full. Then we went home, but I stayed dressed as I'm going to describe below.
Felix was finally united with his
roommate when he and I met up yesterday at Chapters and wandered around First Markham Place. I bought some sketchy DVDs, picked up a whole bunch of take out menus for my mom and looked for eyes and flesh...
Safety eyes for dolls, which they don't seem to sell in most stores, and flesh-toned yarn for Le Petit Prince that I'm planning to crochet as a big project that I'm going to work on when I have more time. I didn't find either, but I think the "
Buff" yarn I already bought is kind of close enough. They don't have "
Young White Boy"-coloured yarn. No, the Indian, Chinese or African colours are going to work, nor is "
Drunk Red-Faced & Flustered" going to work. I forgot to look for beanies that I'm thinking about adding to the polyfill so that my dolls will be nice and squishy and have some weight to them. I think that adds to shipping and handling costs, but I'll see if they're worthwhile or suitable to add.

I had said that I didn't know what to wear in this sort of weather, but I've taken pictures of what I wore yesterday. This took a lot of deep discussion with myself, which always seems to happen to me as I stand in front of my closet. Some days, I feel like there's nothing to wear and I end up wearing something I always favour over everything else, which is how it got to be that way. Other days, there are too many garments to choose from, too many possible combinations, which reminds me of permutations, combinations and probability.
"How many outfits can Katherine put together if she wears 2 layers? 3 layers? How about 4? With jeans? A skirt? Trousers? Colour and length? Formal or informal? And to what extent? How about accessories? Bandana? Scarf? What kind? Is it warm or cool today? Not sure. Belt? Ornamental belt?" I don't even want to think about jewelry combinations, because I have a lot. Too many piercings, arms, fingers to take into account, in addition to a neck. Pins for clothing, too. Oh! Make up possibilities and colouring schemes!! I better stop now. At least I don't have to think about socks. All of mine are the same, ankle socks from Old Navy. They don't slip and I don't like socks that are visible above the top of the shoe. I wore the leather
PUMA shoes, which are sitting on top of the bathroom counter. I kept the jacket on with the buttons undone for the entire day.

Back to the topic at hand. In the picture above, I'm wearing the new pinstripe jacket I got. They were having a 15% off sale, but I have the Prestige card to save me an additional 10%, plus a $5 Summer coupon for Suzy Shier. I believe the jacket was $75 but came with a free pair of coordinating pants. The problem was that they didn't have my size and my dad is always in favour of rounding up. Guess what? Those pants don't fit anymore. I bought a pair of pants that matches the jacket the week after, so that it's barely noticeable that they're not from the same set. I never wear them together if I can avoid it. There's something very unappealing about matching perfectly from head to toe, in my opinion. Same purse I can't remember the price or the promotion for that.

Anyhow, I really wanted to post this jacket because I love pinstripes. It's got a very cool front closure, because the two sides overlap and are secured with two buttons on the exterior, but actually has an extra button on the inside so that the bottom layer lies flat. I think that it makes it worse. I had a picture of me wearing it buttoned, but isn't very clear and not worth posting.

There's a strap on the back with two false pockets on the sides, which are pointed longer in the front. The cuffs are very nice, too.

I feel ridiculous for posting this picture. That's why I almost never smile in photographs. I'm immortalized with a fixed smile until it fades or gets destroyed/deleted, usually by me. I'm wearing a tank top from Urban Planet, two for $20 with a 10% SPC discount, but they didn't have a good selection of colours, so I only have black and white. On almost every shopping trip my dad would mention that lace showing below the bottom of a shirt looks nice every time we see someone dressed in this way. I've always wanted to get a shirt like that and now I have one in both black and white. On top of that is a grey-purple 3/4 length shirt that I got at Buffalo jeans on a shopping spree at Vaughn Mills when my brother had come back from Montréal, so this must have been December 2004, before we went to Europe. Writing it out, it seems like a long time ago. I'm wearing the Miss Sixty jeans and the chrome Rado watch I got in Shanghai, as well as the
tags my aunt got my uncle to bring me from there when he visited us. I'm also wearing a bandanna I got for about a dollar at a small shop in Vaughn and it makes me a bandit. The sunglasses were from quite a while ago, when the Urban Planet outlet first opened in the same plaza as the one I was at, across the parking lot from Chapters. There was a 'buy one get on free' promotion and it was $9, but I can't remember what I got with it, so it makes it pretty much $4.50 plus a 10% SPC discount on top of that. I like bargains :]

I didn't know what the weather would be like, because it's not always how it appears through a window. Dressed as shown above, I took a step outside and it was windy, so I got my
pleather jacket, but it turned out to be very warm in the car. In both pictures, I'm wearing the bracelets that ES sent me, as usual ^-^

As always, I'm wearing the necklace that someone had given my mother and had given it to me in turn. I rarely ever take it off and it's been very reliable for me. I must have worn it for 7 years or so. It's made of white gold encircling a genuine diamond with some small ones on one of the points.
Same tag as yesterday and another watch I got in Shanghai on the hand behind me. Can you tell that my hip is dislocated? I got this shirt that is like a thin sweater and the tank top to go with it a couple years ago. I have the exact same sweater in white and the tank top in pink, because the tank tops were sold at a bargain price in pairs and I like the embroidered design on the left that isn't visible in a photograph taken with this camera. It's subtle as the thread used is the same colour as the sweater, but has a slight sheen to it. I think I might also have a white t-shirt with the same design in pink, but I don't think I knew that when I bought it afterwards. Because I'm not wearing a bandanna or scarf around my neck, since it wouldn't go with a v-neck shirt, hence Dr. Freilich was able to see the tracheotomy. It's difficult to see, but I'm wearing the pinstripe pants that look like the ones that are supposed to match the jacket. I like the stripes because it makes me look taller without having to
be taller with extra inches. Don't ask me why I don't want to grow taller, but the hem was too long and I never get them altered, because...what if I do grow taller? and I can always wear higher heels. Because I'm not that tall (yet), I wore the
short boots and they were just the right length. That's one reason for why I don't want to grow taller.
I know how difficult it is to just "smile for the camera!" But it's nice to see those pearly whites showing! A smiley Katherine picture - wonderful, you must try it more often, it does suit you :)
Thanks! I was pretty sure you'd notice and comment on it! Yup, so there's the picture of my teeth, haha. I'll have to think of more faces to make without looking like an idiot for future photos XP
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