I made this a while ago, but never had the motivation to set up the background to take photographs, transfer them to my computer to edit, then upload them online. The first one I made was grey and rather silly, but I'll make a post on that another day. I made another one that was very similar to this one, but I promptly sold it for $30 to a friend. I think I probably should have charged more, because this one is actually practical. Someone offered to sell it in her shop on Unionville Main Street, but I didn't like the terms and conditions of the proposed agreement.
Do you remember that hideous iPod case I crocheted one night when I couldn't sleep? I think I put it away somewhere, but I never explained the "trinket for its closure - a silver metal 'M'. Why the 'M'? For Music! For Mania! I don't know. To be honest, it was just what I happened to have on hand, because I had used all the other letters in the word DREAM (you'll see how and why in another post to come)." As you can see, I have rearranged the remaining letters and I had the option of choosing either DARE or READ. Would I really want a bag that was commanding me to READ?
Just now, I had the compulsion to name it Suki. No, not Dare, that would be redundant. It's gender is still to be determined and I suppose that name could be a unisex one, but I can't seem to decide on it. What makes Suki special? You may have noticed that it appears rather flat. That's because it's a cat bag - a hungry one, it is running empty. The silver stars happened to come with the letters and I can't begin to describe how difficult it was to find attractive, suitable buttons. I didn't want cute, plastic pastel daisies.
The buttons fasten quite securely, yet they are relatively easy to open, unlike the other red and black bag I had made first. I think its stripes were wider, maybe doubled. It's quite spacious inside and fairly sturdy, but I wouldn't recommend carrying a brick around, because either the strap would come undone or it will get stretched out of shape.
To illustrate its actual size, I've slung it over my shoulder. I had taken pictures of the grey one, but it just didn't turn out well. I had hung it from somewhere and the strap looked more like a noose, which is why I haven't posted those pictures. I don't like that photo of me either, because it looks like I'm hugging myself in a warped position, but, really, I'm not. It just looks that way because I had to hold the camera. I gave up on using the timer today so that I could take more pictures before dinner and it's much easier. However, the mirror seems to be a bit streaked and speckled, so I'll have to clean it when I have time and I might replace some of these photos later. Taking pictures in my brother's washroom is really much easier because of the way its set up and doesn't include the laundry chute. I've always wondered what it would be like to slide through it, but the laundry room floor is tiled, so I'd crack either the tiles or my skull if I went head first.
Alright, lurkers. If you've made it through to the end of this post, I think it's only fair that you make your vote on my poll, especially since I went through the trouble of making it...
The amounts are in USD and I have to pay for listing fees, etc. Please ask your friends to have a look and cast their vote to help me out. As well, have a look at GourmetAmigrumi's Etsy shop to get a better idea of the price ranges. I consider my designs quite different from hers, so we aren't really direct competitors. Feel free to comment with a more specific amount and whether it should be including shipping and handling or if would be separate. Keep in mind that I have to use the profit to buy more safety eyes, especially cat eyes of different sizes and multi-coloured ones in a variety of styles online.
Please let me know what you think! Thank you!
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