Friday, April 20, 2007

Dental Procedures

Yesterday, I finally went to get my veneers finished and I've been procrastinating for months, because it really is a hassle. I had to make two visits for making moulds, reducing the size of my teeth, making moulds again, then installing temporary crowns so I can still bite, bleach the rest of my teeth because they'd be very sensitive without them, but also with a more normal appearance. Nobody wants to be seen with two miniature, baby teeth-sized front teeth.

When he was working on the two front teeth that I needed to have fixed for both aesthetic and repairing purposes, he kept asking if I needed local anesthetics, but I had already taken my own painkillers in the morning for other reasons. I asked to see more information on it, while I was waiting during the second visit, just for educational purposes and the nurse actually gave me a PI sheet. Lidocaine HCl 2% and Epinephrine 1:50,000 or 1:100,000 injections. While it seems harmless enough in most websites, the PI sheet does warn against using it with those using is with a bunch of conditions, but also "patients receiving drugs known to produce blood pressure alterations (MAO Inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, phenothiazines, etc.)" and after the whole list of Adverse Reaction, "In psychoneurotic individuals, existing symptoms mat be aggravated." Patients fill out the form for their conditions and, on that first visit, I was actually required to fill out another one, a more specific one with a list of current medications. Mine was filled up to the margin, but the writing was big, don't worry. I think I qualify for both contraindications, but he really didn't ask at all. What if some of my medications were in the category of "etc." I mentioned it and he said that it wouldn't matter because it would only be an extremely diminutive dose. It ended up being a little bit like an argument/discussion, I think because I was annoyed that I kept having to come in, but I think he was somewhat offended. I'm also paranoid with some OCD tendencies, I can't help it. I wish I had just stopped before it started making me uncomfortable, but I don't know, it just kind of persisted, maybe because he might have still been asking me whether I wanted it or not. I can't remember.

After bleaching, which is a literal and a metaphorical pain, I had to get the shading matched. I was really irritated in that last visit and was arguing about just estimating so I wouldn't have to make another trip, etc. I tried to arrange it on the same day, of course, so I got it at 4 PM with sufficient time for me to get from my GP's appointment and to find the place, if it wasn't quite as simple as described. I got a call when I was away the two days before saying that there was a "problem" with that appointment time. I called and they were already closed for the night, so I left a message insisting that I had to have that time. She called back and said fine, but try to be early or at least on time. We had a couple of small but nevertheless time-consuming tasks to complete after the first appointment, such as picking up my aunt for her visit and getting stuck talking to another aunt. We got there at exactly 3 PM. They made me wait a bit before working on it.

The new temporary fillers were supposed to be easily removable by the veneer specialists, but they weren't. They refused to come off with every prying effort. The specialists wanted me to come another day or get it removed and back by 4 PM. *palm to forehead" It was rush hour. We'd have to traffic jam our way to my cousin's office and hope that he's there to pull it off. Utter insanity, but we made it, without any other patients there, oddly enough. Usually the waiting room is full and people are walking in and out, so I got immediate service - me running in, talking very rapidly, then taking a seat. Again, that same question...Do I want the anesthesia? I had a feeling that he might have taken a glance at my file after the last visit, but I don't know what's up with him. Maybe he bought too much and it was close to the expiry date, which is highly unlikely. Had I already taken my own painkillers? Nope, but this time it didn't bother me nearly as much for some reason. He had to file it off again.

Then, it was the rush back. I think it was already 3:40 PM. I had to endure the sting even while inhaling throughout the trip. I ran in at 4:02PM and had to take another seat in the waiting room. By the time the specialist came out, she didn't really seem like she wanted to do it, because she had to go to present at a seminar at 5 PM. I kind of blurted out that I did arrive by 4 PM and it wasn't my fault, but yet again, I managed to offend her or something. Maybe she was just thinking about her presentation ahead? I don't know, but it's definitely a symptom of social anxiety - simply over-analyzing what I said and my impression and how she responded, etc. It's true, it's in the workbook I got assigned.

I asked if she could make it just a touch whiter than my other teeth and they were strongly against it. They said it would last for a very long time and would be difficult to match again. Nevertheless, I tried to squeeze in that, if at all possible, maybe just a little on the brighter side? I think she was confused. I sat there staring at the laminated sign on the wall informing me that all the instruments I will be in contact with in have been carefully sterilized. I couldn't help but stare at her paint palette that actually had several other colours than just shades of white. What about the paint? It certainly didn't look new and she'd be dipping the brush as she painted them the proper shade with a "touch of blue with some highlights". I kept thinking about it, but I was so relieved when they fit perfectly and didn't have to be fixed or remade altogether. After she put it in the kiln for about 25 minutes, they turned out a little bit speckled, so she filled them in with the paint and baked them again. It ended up exceeding the 5 PM deadline, but she said it was fine. I'll bet the seminar was later and she needed time to prepare for it. In conclusion, they turned out brighter than the others, exactly what I had wanted :]

We had to get back so I could have my cousin attach them, rush hour persisting. We weaved around this time to see if we could get there faster and I think we succeeded. Here's where it gets to be troublesome again. Of course, another delay in the waiting room. My cousin thought they didn't fit so well and started drilling away at it - the veneers and some of my teeth, even the ones next to the area. Do I want anesthetics? No, I don't. How very courageous of me, he said. I told him I was getting used to it. I was just tired. That was one stressful hour. I had to make two other moulds with another unsuccessful attempt, because my veneers would break very quickly if I didn't have a night guard. I had to do it to make the trays for bleaching and I'm losing of the times I've had to make moulds. I've had a night guard before and I hated it, so I stopped. I understand the necessity of using one because I've actually stuck a device on my jaw for a night to count the number of times I ground or clenched my teeth in one night. I think I had around 75 or so, but my dad had over a hundred. Either way, we both need night guards and he was telling me to remind my dad to come in to make moulds. I think my dad is avoiding it, but I wouldn't blame him for it at all. I'll use it because I definitely don't want to go through the hassle of making a new pair of veneers.

I finally got home at 8 PM. My teeth were feeling sensitive, with a persistent sharpness of pain in both teeth on the right side, counting from the middle. Since I didn't have my night guards yet, which means another trip in about a week, I actually put on the bleaching trays willingly because my teeth were hurting that much and I really don't want to grind them any further. My jaw is sore every morning, so I know I do it for sure. I'll keep wearing those flimsy plastic trays. Better than nothing.

My mom encouraged me to call him today to ask him why my teeth were still hurting, but he had just left the office and would be back shortly to return my call. Thanks. It's 7:30 PM and he's not going to call. Does it happen to anyone else? Almost the moment after I hung up, they stopped hurting. They aren't hurting now either. That sort of thing always happens to me. I show up at a doctor's office and the pain instantly stops or a problem like a bruise or cold disappears overnight. I'm starting to question whether it's psychological.

My family doctor (GP) and my dentist know each other for some reason. He told me to say "Hi" to her when I made a visit about a week a go, which I did yesterday and she said it was "a small world," while my cousin wouldn't tell me why. He said they've known each other for 7 or 8 years, since "the old student days". Were they classmates? No, but "these things aren't brought up for discussion anymore". Hmm, endless possibilities.

As usual, I organized my appointments so I can get them done in one day, with one car ride from my uncle. I went to see my GP first, which is how all of that was "brought up", but it was he, who suddenly checked my file or whatever and asked me if I was still seeing her. I don't think I told him, but, yes, in fact, twice a week and almost always on Thursdays and Saturdays. I've had them all booked since March through July.

I was told they have a site and here are some of their policies:
  • Regular appointments are only 15 minutes in length. Please focus on 1 or 2 issues. Please book another appointment for further issues.
  • If you need counseling or a longer time period to discuss your issues, you can book 30-minute appointments.
LOL, I'll bet she made up those rules just for me. All my appointments are of the latter and I usually go overtime, even twice a week.

I'll save the details for the next post, because they're somewhat out of chronological order and this one is long enough as it is.


Intensecure said...

Aiyoh! Just the description of dental procedure descriptions make my teeth get that "funny "feeling!"
I think I'll have to live with mine as they are, imperfect but at least all present and correct.
I'd love to see a picture of the resulting smile (or painful grimace!) when they are done and settled. :)

liquidblackout said...

LOL @ the correct Mandarin interjection XD
I was thinking yesterday and this morning while I was brushing my teeth that I probably should have taken a picture of them as they are finished now, but I wouldn't know what expression to use! Painful grimace is a better idea than deranged maniac, haha ;)