This was how my laptop started its life that was soon to be abused.
I thought I'd make a three dimensional collage of some of things that surround my desk and laptop. The front of my laptop is very scratched up, so I decided to paint wings on them. They couldn't be facing in the same direction, because then it would be upside down when it was either opened or closed. From all the capsules that I get from the vending machines, I use them to hold my medications for me, because they have a transparent half and it's also easier for me to pick out the amount I need. There are some that I don't really take very frequently so I just keep them in their original tubes.
There's my diamond-studded mouse that I keep with it. However, some of its diamonds have fallen out, but I don't have any clear ones, so I had to replace them with blue crystals. It always reminds me of a ladybug. There's a story behind the pen, but I'll discuss that in another post.
These are some other medications that I happen to have on hand, but don't take regularly. I only take the ones on the left as needed and I haven't been taking the ones on the right at all anymore.
The green and white ones are fluoxetine capsules, which are just about internationally recognized under the name Prozac.
In Hong Kong, they use the name Seroxat for what we know as Paxil, which are all just brand names for paroxetine. The pink one is a Paxil/Seroxat 20mg pill. I find the sticky notes that the psychiatrists get to be a little ironic. There is a collection of users who are currently launching a lawsuit against SmithKline Beecham (dba GlaxoSmithKline). While the notepad simply commands the reader to "Be Happy!" like the little person looking at the rainbow in the illustration, these people are obviously very unsatisfied and not happy at all.
holy crud, you have a lot pills to take.
Haha, yeah. You should see my mom's stash :3
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